What is Edulooker ?
Edulooker is a complete School Management Software. The software can help schools and other types of institution In Imphal Manipur like educational, vocational, etc. to manage the functioning of the school.
In Schools of Manipur Imphal most of the administrative work like admission process, fee collection, enrolment, registration, etc. can all be completed with this school software.
Other non-administrative information like student related information, attendance report, Mark sheets, Certificate, etc. can be managed through the use of this software.
Can Edulooker exactly replicate the administrative and academic processes of the school?
Yes! Edulooker is the most advance and dynamic School Management Software that can be customised to meet the exact requirement of school in Imphal Manipur. The software modules are adjusted as per your need. Additional time and cost will be calculated on the basis of the degree of modification or customisation required for the particular module.
Can Edulooker support different type of report formats?
As part of the software development process we take into consideration of your existing school processes. This allows us to replicate the process so that minimal time is spent on the transition process. We implement the exact data management, accounting and administrative processes and hence the reports that are generated.
The modifications in the existing reports up to 10 Reports is free and also 2 new reports are free. Additional reports would be implemented at an extra cost. Also price depends on the complexity of the Report.
Can the entire process of the school be computerised through Edulooker?
The following processes can be automated:
- Admission Records,
- Registration
- Fee Collection,
- All types of Expenses,
- Payroll,
- EPF calculation
- Student promotions
- Report cards
- Mark sheets and certificates
- Pre-Admission and many more.
Does Edulooker Admin support automatic Backup of School data?
Yes. Edulooker installer automatically installs a backup utility which runs at a predetermined time and take the backup of School data periodically and writes that data to a backup folder or to an external disk.
How do you support us?
We provide training the moment you buy the school software from us. Our software engineer and technical staff will guide you through the process.
What are the hardware requirements of Edulooker?
- Pentium 4 or above processor >1.2GHz
- Minimum 2GB RAM
- Minimum 20 GB free disk space
- Windows XP and above Operating System, open source
What if our school needs additional features in the future?
Edulooker software is divided into modules. This means that any new features can be added or enhance without affecting other features of the software. If you are using software for the first time we suggest to buy it with the built in feature, then decide on the customisation as you get use to using the software and as well as per the need of your institution.
We want a school website, does Globizs provide web hosting and web design services?
Yes. Globizs can help you build the school website and manage it too. We can help design the website and host it for you.
What if we have more questions?
You can visit our website and check for the contact details. You can either call us or write to us.
To read more: http://globizs.com/