IoT deployment: How it can change your business?

How IoT deployment can change the way your business functions? IoT deployment can be done with network of vehicles, home appliances, and devices which are embedded with sensors, software, actuators...

Trending programming languages any programmer must learn

Programming languages: Which is best? If you want to pursue programming as a career option, then you first need to acquaint yourself with the programming languages, first. Programming much like any...

What are the criteria for choosing a technology stack?

Criteria for Choosing a Technology Stack In our previous post we have talked about what to avoid while selecting a web technology stack. As a continuation of the above and to help you in the selection...

Web Technology Stack: How not to choose the wrong ones?

Developing a web application requires proper selection of server, database, framework, front end tools and programming languages. These technologies are built on top of each other and are collectively...

Internet of things technology and innovation

What is the Internet of Things?   Internet of things is a concept of connecting any smart devices or connected devices through the internet. It connects things and people, collecting and sharing...

IT product Marketing: Solutions, services and skills

IT Product and services marketing: viable solutions   Marketing any IT products or services starts with the market that the product or services is supposed to conquer and not only with the idea...